When it comes to detecting the presence of coronavirus, PCR testing is widely considered the gold standard by many healthcare professionals. As the pandemic has progressed, testing sites and opportunities have continued to grow. For those residents living in Montgomery county, PCR testing in The Woodlands isRead more →
As testing for coronavirus becomes more available, there are a number of different types to choose from, including antigen based, molecular based, fast results, slower results, etc. With so many options it can make knowing what kind of test to get feel a bit overwhelming. However, withRead more →
These days, we all have been hearing about the differences in COVID tests that we can receive. Depending on the circumstances, there’s a way to find out if you test positive or negative in as little as 15 minutes or as long as 5-7 days. But whichRead more →
One of the most exciting things you may see on your news or social media feed these days is the joyous faces of those who have been fortunate enough to have already received a coronavirus vaccine. At the end of February 2021, Family First Urgent Care inRead more →
Over the past year or two, scientists have been able to learn more about coronavirus including what it is, what it looks like, and how to treat it. However, with COVID mutations and some of the new variants now expected to already be in the United States,Read more →
COVID-19 PCR testing is instrumental in determining which individuals have an active infection and are contagious to others. This type of molecular testing is also invaluable in terms of safer travel—both domestic and international. As the world slowly gets back to business amidst an ongoing pandemic, travelersRead more →